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опубликовано Февраль 16 2019

Как иммигранты могут изменить домашний адрес индонезийской визы?

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By  редактор
обновленный Апрель 02 2024

Иммигранты, проживающие в Индонезии, должны зарегистрировать свой домашний адрес в иммиграционной службе. В Индонезии существует два типа разрешения на пребывание:

  • Limited Stay Permit or KITAS
  • Permanent Stay Permit or KITAP

В любом случае, if an Immigrant moves to another house or apartment, it is mandatory to inform the Immigration office. The same changes should reflect on their Indonesian Visa. They can achieve the same in two ways -

  • Get an Immigration Services Agency to do it
  • Do it by themselves

Taking help from an Immigration Services Agency

Immigrants can get in touch with an Immigration Services Agency to change the address in their Indonesian Visa. It’s easier for Immigrants who have a full-time job. The Immigration Services Agency takes the headache of preparing the legal documents and submitting the same. They charge Immigrants a fee. However, the agencies hold a strong network within Immigration. It makes the entire process fast. Also, the chances of making any mistake would be reduced, as quoted by Indonesia-Investments.

Doing it by yourself

This option is challenging. It saves Immigrants the cost of hiring an Immigration Service. However, the risk of rejection could be higher. The process could be tedious and time-consuming. Also, someone with a full-time job cannot spare the entire day for arranging the mutation of their home address. Naturally, the process of changing the address of Indonesian Visa would be delayed.


Let’s have a look at the process of changing the home address of Indonesian Visa.

  • If Immigrants are taking help from an Immigration Services Agency, then authorizing the agency is mandatory
  • Immigrants must prepare a legal document and have it signed by the agency
  • Subsequently, the agency will arrange the mutation of their home address
  • The same is then submitted to the Immigration Department
  • They would conduct a thorough verification of the provided documents
  • If approved, they would change the address on the Immigrant’s Indonesian Visa

Immigrants must keep in mind that not all Immigration Offices offer the same procedures for changing the address on Indonesia Visa. On paper, procedures are usually the same. However, some offices are more flexible than others. Whereas at some Immigration offices, expats have to go through a tiresome process to have their address changed.

Y-Axis предлагает широкий спектр визовых и иммиграционных услуг, а также продуктов для желающих иммигрантов из-за границы, включая Учебная виза, Y-Международное резюме 0–5 лет, Y-Международное резюме (старший уровень) 5+ лет, Y Jobs, Y-Path, Резюме Маркетинговые услуги Одно государство и Одна страна.

Если вы ищете, чтобы Кабинет , Work, Visit, Invest or Migrate to Indonesia, talk to Y-Axis, the World’s No.1 Immigration & Visa Company.

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