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опубликовано Октябрь 08 2018

Y-Axis Tutor Soma has been thanked by Dr. Leena Priyambada

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By  редактор
обновленный Апрель 26 2023

Y-Axis Tutor has been thanked for providing helpful tips on IELTS.

Дорогая Сома,


I was trying to log in today to thank you for your lovely coaching! But I am not able to log in.

My exam went off well. I just barely finished my writing on time; rest all I thought were not bad. Your tips were very helpful. Your sessions were a delight to attend, took me back to high school English days. I really enjoyed. Please convey my regards and wishes to all the participants.

Please send the link to post a review and rating.

Еще раз спасибо! Dr Leena Priyambada

Dr Leena Priyambada

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