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опубликовано Февраль 06 2020

Y-Axis IELTS coaching helped me a lot

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By  редактор
обновленный Апрель 26 2023

When I decided to take up coaching for my IELTS exam, time was a major barrier, I had to choose online classes as am a working professional. I was not at all confident that online classes will be effective like classroom coaching, but once I started attending online coaching classes held by Y-Axis I was totally taken away from all the negative opinions I had about online classes, am thankful to my tutor Shakila who has been very helpful and also she makes sure each and every person has been given individual attention as to how to become better than what we are at present, her tips and inputs have helped me a lot. Thank you so much madam for building confidence in me and helping me improvise myself.

Отзыв от:
Disha Aradhya

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